Through its members PTPMA is rendering following services/accomplishments since its inception:

    1. Played a vital role is providing effective, safe, free from side effects and relatively economical natural medicines for curing diseases.

    2. Provided guidelines to the member organizations for bringing their medicines to International standards in terms of setting up our own GMP rules and regulations and facilitating its deployment.

    3. Almost over 90% of the raw materials used for manufacturing of Tibbi medicines are sourced within Pakistan. In this way we are surely contributing an overall national objective to be self sufficient saving lots of foreign exchange.

    4. Our member companies are fulfilling the requirements of over 50,000 registered Hikmat and Ayurvedic medical practitioners dispersed across four provinces of Pakistan and Azad Kashmir. These practitioners with either their private clinics or Govt run dispensaries are providing medical facilities to almost 70% of rural and urban population of the country.

    5. Many of our member organizations are actively exporting quality herbal health care products earning lots of foreign exchange making a vital contribution in overall national economy.

    6. Because of putting collective efforts utilizing a common platform i-e PTPMA, statistics reveal that an overall increase in usage of herbal based products over other system of medicines is observed specially allopathic system of treatment is marked.

    7. The products worth billions of Rupees of the member companies of PTPMA are sold every year to add hundreds of thousands of rupees as tax to the Government treasury.

    8. By acting as a representative organization of the member companies PTPMA has served as an active player in formulating the initial proposed draft for the herbal and homoeopathic act 2005. Also playing a vital role in bringing the subsequent amendments in the act in for the best interest of the member companies.

By acting as a representative organization of the member companies PTPMA has served as an active player in formulating the initial proposed draft for the herbal and homoeopathic act 2005. Also playing a vital role in bringing the subsequent amendments in the act in for the best interest of the member companies