Activity Plans for the Year 2022

Activity Plans (2022)
Members Facilitation in obtaining Enlistment of Firms and Products through technical Assistance and Capacity Building
Develop consensus amongst members through consultative meetings and seminars to adopt the labeling and advertising guidelines.
Devise a policy to encourage members for adoption of labeling and advertising guidelines approved by PTPMA
Conduct Trainings for Good Manufacturing Practices in Alternative Sector
Organize workshops on good collection practices for medicinal plants.
Work with educational and research institutes to initiate pharmacological and clinical research in Unani medicines
Based on industry herbs requirement initiate a plan for Conservation, Cultivation and Trade of Medicinal Herbs and Spices in Pakistan.
Collaborate regionally and globally with similar objective organizations for disease control and prevention by sharing experiences, statistics and solutions available.
To establish Training Center for training to Herbal Stake Holder regarding Drug Regulatory Authority of Pakistan Enlistment process & Manufacturing.